:MiniTrio Pyramid Love :Planet

What is Pyramid Love?

Pyramid Love is an icon font for the Looney Pyramids game system. If you want to write good-looking rules for a pyramid game, with pretty line diagrams like in the Pyramid Arcade rulebook, this is a way to do that.

Pyramid Love is fairly comprehensive, with 346 symbols representing pyramids, dice, boards, and other game components. If you think of something it is missing, please tell us.

Pyramid Love is a little bit different from most icon fonts. The icons don’t replace regular letters and numbers. Autocorrection makes those fonts very frustrating to use, and Pyramid Love is far too big for that regardless. Instead, you can add symbols from the Insert Symbols menu, or use ligatures.

Pyramid Love is released under the Open Font License, which basically means you can use it for absolutely anything.

Latest Version

Try It Out!



Pyramid Love 3.1 is a large collection, containing quite a few different formats.

If you're just going to be using the font, just double-click Pyramid-Love.ttf and click “Install Font.” You don't need any other files.

If you're planning on using it with a vector image editor (like Illustrator or Inkscape) or a raster image editor (like Photoshop or The GIMP), just unzip the whole archive somewhere convenient.

If you're planning on using it on a website, check out the demo folder, which has a working example.

Insert Symbols

The easiest way to put a symbol in your document is through the Insert Symbols menu. In Word, that’s Insert > Symbol > More Symbols, in LibreOffice Writer it’s Insert > Special Character. Make sure the font’s set to Pyramid-Love, then scroll down past the alphanumeric characters until you find the symbol you’re looking for and double-click to insert it into the document.

Unfortunately, if you need more than a few symbols, this method is pretty slow. There are hundreds of symbols in Pyramid Love, it can take a long time to find the ones you want. If you want to use Pyramid Love quickly, you should learn to use ligatures.

Treehouse setup


A better way to add a symbol is to use ligatures. Each symbol has at least one word that it will automatically replace, if you have ligatures enabled. In LibreOffice Writer they are turned on by default. To enable them in Word, just search for "ligature".

Ligatures always start with a colon ":". If a ligature has more than one word, they're always CamelCased – each word starts with a capital letter, and they aren't seperated by spaces.

For pretty much everything except for the glyphs of pyramids, you just type a colon followed by the name of the symbol.

For example, to create the :WorldWarFive symbol, type
. For a complete list, check out the demo.

Some other examples:

Wheel Board

Club Suit Symbol

Planet Decoration


Stash Pad

Some icons have an alternate version that starts with two colons:


Solid Meeple

Domino 3

Domino 3 (Rotated)

More Examples

Related icons have related names, like dice:

Lightning Die (Recycle)

Lightning Die (Bolt)

Pyramid Die (Large)

Pyramid Die (Small / Medium)


Domino 5

Domino 9

Chess Boards:

3-by-4 Chessboard

8-by-8 Chessboard


Arrow (NorthEast)

Arrow (West)

Zendo pieces:

Zendo Pyramid

Zendo Wedge

You can select and copy any ligature on this page.


The ligatures for pyramids are easier to use, and much more powerful, but the rules they follow are more complicated.

To make a pyramid, type a colon, then an S, an M, or an L according to the size you want:




All pyramid symbols have solid versions starting with a second colon.

Solid Large


To make a stack, type up to three pyramids in top-to-bottom order:


Solid Small-Medium



To expand a stack, add an E. Only stacks with nesting can be expanded.

Large-Medium-Small Expanded


To make a pyramid pointing in a direction, type a single pyramid, then P, then the direction.

Pointing pyramids are sized to work with other pointing pyramids. They're all square, instead of tall and thin like the stacks. Mixing pointing pyramids with stacks is tricky.

Pyramids can point in 8 cardinal directions,
N, S, E, W, NE, SE, SW, and NW.

Large Pointing East

Medium Pointing SouthWest

Solid Small Pointing North

Pyramids can point left (L) or right (R), representing pyramids leaned on their sides. These symbols are sized to work with normal pyramids and stacks, rather than with other pointing pyramids.

Medium Pointing Left

Solid Large Pointing Right

Pyramids can even point up (U), representing a top-down view.

Solid Small Pointing Up

Large Pointing Up

Stacks without nesting (SM, SL, ML, and SML) can point up too. Stacks can't usually point, these are an exception.

Small-Medium Pointing Up

Solid Small-Large Pointing Up



Pyramid Love is good at simple things. If you want to use some component icons to pretty up your Equipment section, or reference the lightning dice symbols in your rules, Pyramid Love has you covered. If you're making a setup diagram or a gameplay example, it depends on the diagram.

Simple lines of stacks like a Treehouse example are trivial. You just type the stacks you need. Diagrams based on a square grid are also very easy. You can use tables, which are simple, flexible, and very powerful.


There's no way around it, icon fonts are a bit of a hack. They're pretty convenient, but there's some things they just can't do.

One major limitation is that you can't make stacks with more than one color. The whole stack is a single character, so you can't color the pyramids individually.

The other is rotations. Anything that uses a non-square board, like the wheel board or the World War Five board, is pretty much impossible with just a font.

The Hard Way

Pyramid Love includes PNG and SVG images for every icon in the font.

You can use a graphics editor program to make diagrams from these images, instead of using the font. It is more work to do it this way, and requires more technical skill, but you can do all sorts of things that would not be possible in a word processor. Not just non-square boards and multi-colored stacks, but also taller stacks, translucent stacks like in the Arcade rulebook, anything you like.

If you can, it is better to use a vector graphics editor such as Illustrator or Inkscape, instead of a raster graphics editor such as Photoshop or The GIMP. However, you can get perfectly good results with any graphics editor.

If you do choose to use vector graphics, take a look at the "UsefulSVG" folder. In order to make them into a font, SVGs have to be set up a little bit weird, with all the paths converted to one filled shape. This folder contains the original, easier-to-modify versions of several common symbols where this is a problem.

Albiorix setup

Version History

Pyramid Love 1.0 was a more traditional dingbat-style font, with the symbols replacing letters and numbers. It is totally incompatible with later versions of Pyramid Love. It had 83 symbols, most taken directly from the Pyramid Arcade rulebook.

Pyramid Love 2.0 was a complete overhaul. It incorporated Nunito for alphanumeric characters and introduced ligatures. Not counting the alphanumberic characters from nunito, it had 307 symbols, including every stack up to three pyramids in solid and line versions.

Pyramid Love 3.0 added 39 new symbols, including Zendo pieces, fudge dice, domino pips, and arrows. It was meant to have 346 symbols, but only wound up with 345.

Pyramid Love 3.1 fixes a single broken glyph, ::SPU, that was accidentally removed in 3.0. It is baskwards-compatible with projects using Pyramid Love 2.0 or later. It has 346 symbols.

The Future

Pyramid Love 4.0 is in quasi-active development. It will add individual symbols for each Zark City card, among other new things. If you have any requests, or would like to contribute an icon, visit our github.

Prior Work

Pyramid Love is built out of pieces of other things. Most of the symbols are from Pyramid Arcade, by Looney Labs. The original graphic design for these was done by Other Studio. A few are from Wikipedia, the rest are wholly original. The text characters are from Nunito SemiBold, by Vernon Adams. The font itself was built with IcoMoon. It is maintained by Seagull Incident.

::SPL ::S ::SPR
::MPL ::M ::MPR
::LPL ::L ::LPR
::SS ::SM ::SL
::MSE ::MM ::ML
::LSE ::LME ::LL

